Have Karl Weber Address Your Group
Karl Weber is available to speak with groups of any size about writing, book publishing, and the topics covered in his books. He has addressed writers' conferences, community and civic organizations, business audiences, church gatherings, and high school and college groups. Weber has offered presentations on subjects including:
Is There a Book in You? How I've Helped CEOs, Statesmen, and Stars Find Their Voices and Their Message--And How You Can Find Your Own
Banker to the Poor: How Muhammad Yunus Is Combatting Poverty and Empowering Women Through the Gift of Entrepreneurship
Food, Inc.: America's Industrial Food System and Its Impact on Our Health, Our Environment, and Our Way of Life
Lincoln's Christian Vision: His Second Inaugural Address and Its Moral Challenge for Today
For more information, contact Karl Weber at:
Karl Weber Literary
240 Locust Lane
Irvington NY 10533